Boughton-Somers Team Raises Over $210,000
Team Boughton-Somers On Pace to Qualify for CEP Matching Grant
DANBURY – Connecticut’s Jobs Team, Mark Boughton and Heather Somers, announced today that the Boughton-Somers team has raised $210,576 in total to date, including $184,850 in Citizens’ Election Program-qualified funds.They will be participating in the State of Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program (CEP), requiring candidate committees to raise $250,000 in contributions of $100 or less. The two committees will form a joint committee in the coming weeks and qualify for the Citizens’ Election Program.
“Our positive, pro-growth vision for Connecticut is quickly gaining traction with the residents of this state,” said Mark Boughton, candidate for Governor. “Heather and I are on pace to qualify for the Citizens’ Election Program and wage a fully-funded effort to get Connecticut back on the right track.”
“Our strong fundraising illustrates the breadth and depth of support for our effort to defeat Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman,” said Heather Somers, candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
Mark’s record as Mayor of Danbury and Heather’s record as the founder of a bio-tech manufacturing company and as a municipal leader illustrate that they have the knowledge, skills, and ability to stimulate Connecticut’s economy.
The Team Boughton report filed today shows $121,059 in CEP-qualified contributions raised to date. Combined with $25,726 raised from August – December 2013 and $8,030 raised during the first ten days of April 2014, Team Boughton has raised a total of $154,816.
Somers 2014 filed a financial report with the State Elections Enforcement Commission showing total funds raised of $55,760 since the committee’s formation on January 28, 2014, a pace of nearly $1,000 per day.
The Boughton-Somers team received support from more than 2,200 donors. Team Boughton received support from 1,577 contributors and 667 individuals made a contribution to the Somers 2014 committee.
Somers added, “We look forward to working together to complete the fundraising process which will allow us to wage an aggressive campaign against Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman.”
“Our priority is creating great new jobs in Connecticut,” concluded Boughton. “The Jobs Team is ready to get to work.”
“Our positive, pro-growth vision for Connecticut is quickly gaining traction with the residents of this state,” said Mark Boughton, candidate for Governor. “Heather and I are on pace to qualify for the Citizens’ Election Program and wage a fully-funded effort to get Connecticut back on the right track.”
“Our strong fundraising illustrates the breadth and depth of support for our effort to defeat Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman,” said Heather Somers, candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
Mark’s record as Mayor of Danbury and Heather’s record as the founder of a bio-tech manufacturing company and as a municipal leader illustrate that they have the knowledge, skills, and ability to stimulate Connecticut’s economy.
The Team Boughton report filed today shows $121,059 in CEP-qualified contributions raised to date. Combined with $25,726 raised from August – December 2013 and $8,030 raised during the first ten days of April 2014, Team Boughton has raised a total of $154,816.
Somers 2014 filed a financial report with the State Elections Enforcement Commission showing total funds raised of $55,760 since the committee’s formation on January 28, 2014, a pace of nearly $1,000 per day.
The Boughton-Somers team received support from more than 2,200 donors. Team Boughton received support from 1,577 contributors and 667 individuals made a contribution to the Somers 2014 committee.
Somers added, “We look forward to working together to complete the fundraising process which will allow us to wage an aggressive campaign against Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman.”
“Our priority is creating great new jobs in Connecticut,” concluded Boughton. “The Jobs Team is ready to get to work.”
tags: Mark Boughton, Heather Somers, CT Governor's race, Connecticut Republicans, campaign finance